👌 $MOULA 👌

👌 $MOULA 👌

TL;DR: $MOULA is the experimental personal token of Manfred Touron. There is no fixed plan for the future of the token right now. You can earn tokens by contributing to projects, taking part in experiments, and alternative contributions.

 👋 Hi, I’m Manfred Touron

I’m the founder of Berty Technologies, an OSS (Open-Source Software) addict of many years, and a prolific startup tech consultant.

For the past 15 years, I’ve built for and within communities — creating the security lab at my university, starting and growing companies and associations, organizing meetups, giving talks, and maintaining an extensive open-source body of work.

I’ve had a P2P and cryptography focus for almost 4 years now, and I’m currently very interested in everything related to distributed collaborations and DAOs in general.

 ℹ️ What is the $MOULA token?

$MOULA is my personal Web3 coin.

I created it as a sort of “glue” to connect my related Web3 projects and experiments.

The contract was generated using PersonalTokens.io, and has the following address: 0x1644D4E453f56537495B1DCa7995986F7d288C90.

The genesis and distribution are designed and managed by myself; it’s an assumed pre-minted dictatorship.

More in the “Tokenomics” section.

 🧐 Why get $MOULA?

No one should accept $MOULA as remuneration or consider it as such, so feel free to ignore it.

Getting $MOULA is a way to take part in my experiment. It’s also a way to show your support, as you could do in the traditional world by just forking a repo or retweeting a tweet.

Anyway, there are chances that part of my future experiments include optional services or advantages for the $MOULA token holders; those services could be early access to my projects, personal assistance on open-source projects, discussions, etc.

Once again, this token is an experiment. It’s not designed to have real value against others’ time or resources.

I have vague plans to snapshot the contributions made on this token in order to whitelist and airdrop valuable tokens onto my other projects later. These plans aren’t firm, but I’m sharing them in the interest of transparency.

 🤝 How to get $MOULA?

I plan to link this token to other automated platforms/tools over time. If you have suggestions or a bridging proposal, I would be very happy to bring you into the lab 👍

I will also send tokens from my personal reserve to people contributing to my life in other ways; feel free to contact me if you helped me and want some of them.

I’ve always encouraged people to follow and participate in my initiatives. $MOULA is one of the ways I imagine to onboard them into this ecosystem.

🤝 Stake on my validators

Chain / Commission
Staking Links
Evmos / 5%
Pokt Network
🆕 Any suggestion?
Contact me :)
Just below

 💌  Contact

I want to keep the conversations about this project public. The two official ways to communicate with me/about $MOULA are:

 🏦 Further reading: Tokenomics

I designed a very naive burn-rate model after a simple projection: Cloning myself into a community of 100 people, each with an approximately 100-year lifespan.

The genesis consists of 21M tokens (21,000,000) allocated to a cold wallet that will only be used to allocate budgets to the dedicated wallets of sub-projects.

Initial allocation

  • 1M for core token tooling (minting gas, bridges, faucets, etc),
  • 1M for a wallet dedicated to rewarding contributors of my OSS projects with the goal to automate bounty distribution,
  • 1M for moul-bot, my personal bot,
  • 1M for my daily usage,
  • 1M virtually reserved/locked for my virtual retirement,
  • 1M virtually reserved for one of my secret projects (*cough* hackerspace),
  • The rest (~15M) is reserved for future projects.
Thanks in advance to all who will join me in this experiment! ✨